You Think You’re Sooooooooo Bossy….But….

Well, the suspense and waiting ALMOST did me in!  178 wonderful folks voted on my March Miss Bossy Patterns poll and I want to thank you all so much!  (And, I set it to ‘no repeat voting’ so you know it wasn’t just my mom voting 177 times).

For the first half of the poll, the Project Runway, Cynthia Rowley and the vintage looking modern Vogue were all neck in neck with Tom and Linda Platt coming in fourth place, getting a fair number of votes, but not enough to catch up with the rest.Fabrics Paired with Patterns

Then, for the second half of the poll, there was a ferocious battle between Project Runway and Cynthia Rowley, first with a tie, then folks would break the tie and one of the patterns would be ahead, then another tie!  This went on for a week.

Until, the poll closed and the results came in:

Miss Bossy Patterns Final Stats Chart

Yup, TIED again!  And, the Lego Stormtrooper valentine photo also got a vote from my Nephew, Wyatt!  🙂

Since I can’t promise to sew both this month, tells you what I’m gonna do.  Some of you voted based on fabric with the most popular fabrics being the black and white (paired with the Project Runway) and the paisley (paired with the Cynthia Rowley) so, I’m going to pull the ol’ switcheroo.

Cynthia Rowley pattern sewn with black and white paint splash design fabric and fully lined with purple bemberg rayon.  Project Runway sewn with rayon blend paisley fabric and bodice lined with pale blue cotton blend fabric.

Cynthia Rowley dress sewn with black and white paint splash design fabric and fully lined with purple bemberg rayon. Project Runway dress sewn with rayon blend paisley fabric and bodice lined with pale blue cotton blend fabric.

I am pairing the black and white fabric with the Cynthia Rowley and the Paisley fabric with the Project Runway and will sew one of these combinations, which will be a surprise for you (and me)!  I think this will work well because the Cynthia Rowley dress is more dramatic and modern while the Project Runway dress is more classic.  Whaddya think?  Any objections?  Proposed Alternatives?

PS:  Have you entered my Sew Grateful Giveaway yet?  Fabric Magazine Pattern Tote Winning BundleI’m giving away a bunch of sewing stuff like magazines, patterns and fabric.  Pop over to enter!