So…..Many…..Thank Yous…..

thank-you-languagesI am very excited and privileged to be amongst such generous and inspiring company.  Over the last few months, I have won several giveaways, received some gifts AND have also been honoured with some awards.  I wanted to post the ‘goods’ with a link to all those who were so kind as to offer up gifts and bestow awards.  I am humbled by your fabulous, creative company.  So…Thank You.


  • A lovely rayon/linen blend ecru coloured fabric with matching thread and buttons and a McCalls summer top pattern from Dale at Finished Threads McCalls Pattern and Fabric
  • A cute and ’70s looking poufy sleeved Simplicity Dress pattern from Denise at Dottie DoodleIMG_3624
  • Fun retro top and shorts Simplicity Pattern, Project Runway Blouse Pattern and a luxurious brown silky satin stretch fabric  from Kristin at Sew ClassicIMG_3621
  • A small piece of very cute Yoshiko Jinzenji fabric and an Amy Butler pillow pattern from Kerry at VeryKerryBerryIMG_3623
  • A retro, frilly ’70’s blouse pattern from Carmen at Carmencitab IMG_3427
  • A vintage sewing book on CD:  Practical Dress Design – principles of fitting and pattern making.  Author, Mabel Deane Erwin. From Deborah at GraceDressmaking Vintage Sewing Book
  • Lovely winter weight plaid fabric and a whole slew of notions to match from Gillian over at Gilly MakesIMG_3622

Thank you so much everybody!  Cannot wait to sew up some fabulousness with these lovely items.



  • Very Inspiring Blogger Award:  Bestowed on me by the experienced and always helpful, Brooke at CustomStyle She’s always ‘game’ for answering my questions or some wonderful sewcialist chat on Twitter.  Her blog is rife with sewing information.

I was blessed to have received the Leibster Award by four (FOUR!!) extremely fantastic and talented bloggers. This award requires that you answer 11 questions given to you by the presenter.  For purposes of brevity, I have opted to answer 3 of each person’s questions.

I did not make any nominations as I was recently nominated for 3 blog awards here and nominated some wonderful folks at that time.   liebster-award-elephants-picturebook

  • Sarah at Sarahmshultz.  Sarah hosts some fun blogging parties on her blog and is also adept at organizing as well as sewing.

1. What made you start blogging?  My new-found love for sewing and my desire to record my journey and be able to interact with others.

2. If there were to be a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice?  My wits.

3. Do you actually have that weapon easily accessible?  Sometimes, depends on the day :P.the-liebster-award

  • Cherry Pix from Cherry Pix.  She makes some super fabulous things for her cat, including a matching mom and cat outfit!  Kitty is already in love with her.  She has also made some simply lovely garments and her blog is so much fun to read.

1.  What is your number-one favourite sewing gadget?  My rulers.  I have many, different styles, lengths, curves, squares, triangles, metric, inches, see-thru.  Bliss!  Going to do a blogpost on them in the future.

2.  Are you a pattern tracer or a pattern cutter?  I trace, trace, trace.  Often while utilizing my rulers. 🙂

3.  Which of your own sewing creations are you most pleased with?  My Ikea Butterick 5285 Skirt.the-liebster-award

  • Amber at Miss Parayim.  Amber makes beautiful outfits and may, indeed have a fabric fetish.  (Don’t we all?)  She always seems to find JUST the right fabric for JUST the right outfit.  Note to self:  I must go fabric shopping with her one day!

1.  What kind of machine do you use?  A Janome My Lock overlocker / serger and currently borrowing my mum’s Kenmore sewing machine.  I’m in the market for a new sewing machine.  Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated, feel free to comment! 

2.  What inspires you?  A fantastic book or a terrific song with lyrics that amaze.  A spectacular warm, sunny day by the water.  Selflessness in others.  And, the underdog.  Always, the underdog.  

3.  What do you want to make next?  Summer dresses!  A long, flowy halter style made of silk and a shift dress made with cotton. 


  • Kacie at Thimble and Cork.  Kacie calls herself a beginner sewist, but I don’t think she can be!  She must be practicing on the fly, when she is supposed to be sleeping because her stuff is top-quality.  She also has the kindest things to say to my Twitter posts.

1.  Do you do most of your fabric shopping in local stores or online?  Local stores.  I have only just VERY recently (this week) ordered my very first ever mail-order purchase!!  There is likely to be more of that.  I was warned…

2.  Which new sewing skill are you most excited to learn or perfect?  Tailoring and altering clothes and patterns to fit properly.

3.  Is there a movie or TV show that you think has particularly inspiring costumes?  Well, my answer is not theatrical and dramatic nor overly technically complex, but, for outfits that I would actually wear, I rather  like Mary and Rhoda’s wardrobe on the Mary Tyler Moore show.  And, it hasn’t opened yet, but I’m fairly confident that The Great Gatsby is going to have some stunners. 

Leilande and Millicent Thank You

Sewing with Cats: Kitty Has Graciously Accepted An Award!

Most of you know, by now, the infamous Kitty, who is my sidekick, my Super Sewing Hero and my friend.  (The term, Super Sewing Hero was coined by blogger, Chris Lucas, and Kitty likes it!!).  He has graciously accepted an award: the much coveted Sewing With Cats Blog Award! Sewing With Cats Blog AwardThis award has generously been bestowed upon him from the exuberant science and cat enthusiast, Cindy, from Cation Designs.  She is a woman after my own heart as I am also a science freak, as education and profession can attest to, and cat lover, as Kitty can attest to.  Kitty had promised Cation Designs that he would dress for the occasion, to which she replied “If Kitty dresses up, it will be the best thing ever!!” (here, in the comments section).

So, without further ado, here is Kitty accepting his well deserved (his words) award. Kitty Accepting His Award Wardrobe Change 3What, you wanted him to wear a tuxedo?!  How ridiculous would that be?? A cat in a tuxedo!  And, he also took the time out for a wardrobe change during the awards ceremony.  Because that’s just the kind of Kitty he is.  Kitty Accepting His AwardGood Kitty.

One of the questions from Cation Designs that I’m to answer when accepting this award is as follows:Kitty Accepting His Award 2

  • Question (Cation Designs):  Are you ever afraid to post too many pictures of your helpful feline assistant on your blog, for fear of being labeled a crazy cat lady?  
  • Answer (Gjeometry):  Apparently not. 
Kittty Accepting His Award Wardrobe Change 2

“Help Me”

I obtained Kitty from an animal shelter, as I did all my pets (I had another cat and a dog, both my firsts and both of whom have now passed on. –WE MISS YOU!–).  And, when the time is right, I look forward to having another homeless pet adopt me, hopefully in the near future.  But, for now, It’s Kitty and I, teamed up to wreak havoc on fabric everywhere.

Thank you, Cation Designs, for such an honour.

Kitty Ironing

Kitty Ironing

Kitty Cutting Fabric

Kitty Cutting Fabric

Kitty Sewing

Kitty Sewing

Kitty Resting Up After All That Hard Work

Kitty Resting Up After All That Hard Work

And now that his momma knows how to sew, he can look forward to wardrobe highlights such as this:  Matching Mom and Kitty Outfits by the lovely and talented Cherry Pix.  After viewing her gorgeous renfrew tops, scroll down to the bottom of the post.  You’ll thank me.  🙂

It’s a Bouncing Baby Blog Award. Wait…It’s Triplets!

I am so honoured and humbled to be nominated for three (3) awards by the lovely and talented Ginger (Sonja) over at GingerMakes, who always responds to my comments and whose posts are delightful.  Many sincere thanks for making me feel welcome into the world of blogging!

The awards are:

Very Inspiring Blogger Award, One Lovely Blog Award, and the Premio Award

For the Very Inspiring Blogger award and One Lovely Blog award, the official rules are:  1) Thank and link back to the awesome person who nominated you.  2) Share seven things about yourself.  3) Nominate ten other bloggers and comment on their blogs to let them know.  The Premio award recognizes people who comment on other blogs.  You nominate the nine bloggers who last commented on yours.

Seven Fascinating Facts About Myself:

  1. My name is Catja (pleased to meet you).
  2. I have a mischievous but ridiculously adorable cat named Leilande (he is also pleased to meet you….as he bats something off your table and it breaks).
  3. I named my blog Gjeometry because I am a bit of a nerd and love the math, geometry and science involved in fabric, sewing and pattern drafting.
  4. I have a 3 year old nephew, Wyatt, who is not a fan of sitting still (most pictures taken of him are blurry).
  5. I am new to both sewing and blogging and am deliciously obsessed with both.  I’m also a fabriholic, but am attending meetings for it.
  6. I have an environmental sciences background and love nature, gardening and animals.
  7. I sometimes run with scissors.

Since I am so new to the blogging community, I am going to combine all the rules and nominate ten bloggers that have commented on my blog and/or whose blogs I find inspiring, entertaining and informative as well as some brand new blogs I look forward to following.  I have very much enjoyed reading and sharing with all the bloggers I have found, so far, and the many more to come.

I know that some of you have already received these awards from others and have gone through the process so please don’t feel any pressure from me to re-do all your hard work.  It’s just my way of saying I appreciate your blogging efforts and I’m glad to have found you. 🙂

Looking forward to more blogging, sewing and sharing in 2013!friendship