Sewing Dare Done: Ikea Fabric + Butterick 5285

Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt FrontI was recently charged with a sewing dare sewing daresby Jagoda from FitNottoFit to sew something for myself to wear out of this Ikea Fabric.  sewing dareYou can see the post here.

I decided to make a skirt from Butterick B5285. butterick 5285 2 I made View B, which has two box pleats in the front and back, a back zipper and side seam pockets.Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt Front 3

It was quite easy to make, (save for my brand new (to me) vintage overlocker eating my first skirt, both front and back pieces.  I had to start all over again.  And, the second skirt, the waistband was too big, so I had to make a new one.)Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt BackThe only real difficulty I found was with the box pleats.  It took so much time, measuring and ironing them, then lining up the next pleat so that it did not overlap the first one, making sure the pleats were the same size, etc.  This actually took longer than constructing the skirt.  It was much more challenging to get these box pleats even and flat from top to bottom than it was for knife pleats, like those found in versions C and D.  Is there a trick / secret to making box pleats?  If you know of one, please share!Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt Front 4I do really like the way the box pleats layer the fabric and allow the large floral print on it to peek through and make all kinds of abstract and colourful designs on the skirt.  I think it really utilized the fabric to its full potential, adds an extra element of design and creates an interesting composition.  I am quite pleased with that aspect.  And, of course, POCKETS!!!!  ‘Nuff said.  I submitted it for my skirt project in sewing class and received 20 out of 20 (100%).  🙂Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt and KittyAnd, I have seen so many photos of you lovely garment makers twirling in your skirts, so here goes:

Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt Twirling 4Ikea Fabric B5285 Skirt TwirlingTwirling is THE BEST!!!!  And, it really shows the layers of colour and abstract floral patterns underneath the box pleats.

Kitty Likes Measuring Tapes

Kitty Likes Measuring Tapes

101 thoughts on “Sewing Dare Done: Ikea Fabric + Butterick 5285

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank you Andrea! Ya, I was hoping that the Ikea fabric would take on a life all it’s own with the addition of the box pleats and side and back seams. And, it appears to have done so. It was already a pretty abstract pattern, but now, there’s even more to look at! And, twirling!!!! Finally, I have a skirt that I sewed in which I can actually twirl!! My first one. 🙂

      • Born To Organize says:

        And you look so darn happy twirling in it too. Love the skirt. That fabric is right up my alley. I love what you’ve done with it. Kitty looks so cute in our pics. It’s great to have Kitty join in all the fun.

        • Gjeometry says:

          Hee, thanks Alys! I’m happy with how it turned out, as well, pretty unique. Kitty always joins in, especially when there are items to be played with (“helped out” with).

          And, yes, I actually thought of you when I was using this fabric! Sadly, I have none left to make your Pay it Forward gift from, but do not fret, I have other things up my sleeve :).

  1. larart29 says:

    Oh wow, that skirt is gorgeous! And you look like you are just having an absolute ball showing it off with your twirls! haha. I am absolutely horrific at trying to capture twirling with photographic evidence. Or, just twirling in general… 😛

    You really took this dare and came out quite the champ! Bravo!!

  2. jagodas says:

    Congratulations Catja, what an awesome skirt! I love, love, love it so much! It is very exciting visually, the softness of the print vs crispness of the pleats! And it twirls, hello! Isn’t it amazing how different our creations turned out, even though made from exactly the same fabric? Oh, and your shoes… to die for!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Hi Jagoda, instigator of sewing dares! I’m so happy you love the skirt! (And, it twirls 🙂 🙂 ). Yes, our makes look totally different, I noticed that. Honestly, even the fabric, somehow doesn’t look the same. I think because mine had the box pleats and yours had no pleats or darts, so it really changed the look of the fabric completely!

      And, yes, I love those shoes as well, thanks! And, believe it or not, they are completely comfortable.

  3. Brooke says:

    That skirt pattern is awesome in that fabric! I don’t know that I would have tried those together but I LOVE it! Now I kinda want one, too. =)

    I usually cut little notch clips in the seam allowance where I plan to fold my pleats. And you can always baste them closed and then press, like I did for this knife-pleat flounce. But pleats are always about lots of ironing no matter how you do it. And yours look so GREAT!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Ha ha, isn’t it funny when you see somebody else’s creation and you think, ‘wow, never would have thought that I’d like it!’ I’m tickled pink that you love it and also covet it. (But, don’t get any ideas, it’s a keeper 🙂 ).

      I did have notches for the pleats, but only basted them down about 3 cm as it said in the pattern. I probably should have pressed and basted all the way down, pleat by pleat. I just found it so hard to get it straight from the top to the bottom, since they are different sized pleats, but make one big pleat. They are just different from knife pleats and, for me, were so much more difficult to maneuver. Glad you think they came out great! I had to fuss with them A LOT, but they did finally work out.

  4. sewexhausted says:

    OMG- the fabric is to die for!!! Do you see my green eyes??! I absolutely adore this skirt… the fabric… you in it! WOW… SUPER cute! Stylish… ummm – words are not enough… Excellent work. Keep on twirling! ~Laurie

    • Gjeometry says:

      Awww, I blush….Thanks so much for your kind words and support, Laurie! This skirt was many firsts for me, so I was pretty thrilled when it all came together! Especially after having to sew it TWICE! Sheeeze…..Overlockers…. But, I am presently twirling with joy in it. Kitty’s getting dizzy.

      • sewexhausted says:

        I can imagine how you feel when you make something so beautiful!! I just finished a green sundress for my youngest- it was the toughest bodice, fully lined, many challenges and I took so much care… but I am thrilled with the result. So ya! I get it! Keep on twirling… you AND kitty! You deserve it!

  5. marisolsen99 says:

    Catja – darling skirt, and so much FUN to wear! I think there will be lots of twirling in your future. 😉 And if I find a good tute on box pleats I will send it your way, but I think it is just one of those fiddly sewing thingies.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank you so kindly Maris! I hope to keep on twirling with more ‘firsts’ in sewing that actually work out!! Yes, I followed the Butterick directions for them, and they made sense, but just really took, as you say, so much fiddling. And then, pressing, then measuring, then swearing, then RE-fiddling. 🙂

      But, by all means, if you find a good tutorial, please send it my way!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Laura! I had a vision in my head of an abstract painting and thought that the box pleats would allow that to happen with the floral print. And, yes, I think it did! It was either that, or it would just turn into a weird mess of colour. Took a shot! 🙂

        • Gjeometry says:

          Lol, I don’t think it’s a weird mess either, actually, but it certainly could have gone that way. It was hard to know till it was done, as sometimes the vision in your head doesn’t always translate to your project.

          Yes, you can put your kids in box pleats, for sure. I’m not sure if box pleats are really in anything else but skirts, for the most part. Maybe, very swingy type jackets, as well.

          • laurahoj says:

            I’ve seen box pleats on the skirt part of dresses, but other than that and skirts I don’t see them often. I’m thinking a skirt for the 12 year old is what I will do.

  6. Jennifer says:

    I love that pattern (I made C last summer) and it looks fantastic paired with that colorful fabric! Great twirling shots!
    Hmm, I was just considering doing a post on box pleats… it’s a bit hard to explain how I do them without photos. I think yours came out well 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Ah, I really liked version C with that funky band! My next make from it is actually going to be version A, the gathered one, with a white linen, for summer. I like this pattern as well and thought the box pleats would pair the best with this fabric.

      I would LOVE to see you do a post about box pleats!! Please let me know if you do and when it’s up and running! And, thanks, glad you think mine came out well. They certainly did take a lot of time. Could also be because it was my first time doing them.

  7. seweverythingblog says:

    The skirt turned out gorgeous, and you look gorgeous in it! Who would have thought using a large print for a box pleated skirt would be so successful. 100% grades are well deserved. Well done.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Samira! Ya, in my head I had a vision of an abstract painting, but wasn’t too sure if it would work out in reality or not. I think it did though! Thanks for your compliments and support, it means a lot to me!

  8. Boomdeeadda says:

    You are so hip and cute, I love it! I have to get my butt to Ikea. I think that material is perfect for that pattern. I also love those shoes, they are devine!. Glad to see kitty make an appearance too. I would never think to buy fabric there, my eyes have been open 😀

    • Gjeometry says:

      Ha, ha, Thanks! Ya, I only found out fairly recently that Ikea had fabrics. And, they have some pretty awesome ones, as well. Really different and fun, in cotton and also in canvas, more for home decor or bags and such. And, Kitty ALWAYS makes an appearance. Especially if he can play with something in the photos. He always “helps” me measure when I’m using the measuring tape.

  9. Chris Lucas says:

    Oh Catja your skirt has turned out stunning!!! Love love love it… love everything about it. Love the pleats, love the fabric and love how it fits and sits on you!!

    I know you had a few issues with the first one and that darn serger eating up your fabric which was terrible and so sad. But hey look at you and your skirt twirling and laughing now. Way to go… makes it all worthwhile somehow.

    I don’t think there’s much more fun we can have than doing the twirl thing when we make something. Brings out the big kid in all of us again. No wonder we all use to do it so much when we were young and just did it for the fun of it. Oh by the way did you get a head spin afterwards? I did and nearly fall over making it even more fun to do LOL.

    Somehow I don’t think this will be the last time you use Ikea fabric to make yourself something…. it’s a totally Gjeometry look 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Chris! I actually had take off the waistband to re-do the top part of the second skirt, by adjusting the pleats and make a whole new waistband as it was too big. But, fits quite well now.

      I know, Twirling Rocks! Seriously, I was laughing and stumbling, narrowly missing piercing Kitty’s paws. Then had to twirl in the opposite direction. And, it’s not nearly as much fun if you don’t have a skirt that poufs out when you twirl.

      “Gjeometry look”, lol. I do have more Ikea fabric in the “stash” as a matter of fact. I know one piece is earmarked for a large totebag, but not too sure what I’m going to do with the rest of it.

  10. sewingforfun says:

    I love your skirt. I actually used the same fabric when making tunics for my daughters about 2-3 years ago. I loved the fabric then and still think it is one of the best at Ikea. 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Oh, how cool! I would love to see them. I love this fabric as well. Sadly, I think it is end of the line. It is no longer on their website and was on sale when I bought mine, and that usually means that they will not order any more. Too bad. I will check for it when I’m back at Ikea, just in case. But, they will also have other original and new fabrics coming in.

  11. Elise Lin says:

    Yay twirling! That’s so much fun! The fabric looks so cool with the box pleats. Incredible how the sewing pattern complements the fabric so much. You have a great sense of styling, and I love those shoes! Kitty must be so proud of you 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank you Elise! I definitely think my sense of style is not for everybody, but so delighted that you are “down” with it! Lol. Kitty is happiest with the measuring tape, but think he enjoys the twirling, as well.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Hi Zhenya, thanks for stopping by! Yes, I actually only found out fairly recently that Ikea carries fabrics and was only too thrilled. Nothing screams spring / summer like this fabric, so I definitely wanted to do it justice in a springy, twirly skirt. Have fun at your visit to Ikea! I find it’s always such an event filled day.

  12. Susan says:

    Catja, I love this skirt! I have purchased fabric at ikea several times and have seen this one, but wasn’t able to visualize a garment from it… Now I’m rethinking that totally. 🙂 Gorgeous!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Hi Susan, thanks for you compliments! I know, I saw this fabric, as well, loved it, and then thought, what does one do with such a huge colourful print that doesn’t repeat on the cross-grain? I found this pattern and was intrigued by what would happen if I added the box pleats to it. And, happy I did!

      I would love to see what you make from this fabric, drop me a link if you do.

      • tania@sewitanyway says:

        Haha!! I do indeed… but I thought my first one had vanished! Didn’t see an “awaiting moderation” thingy… Perhaps I shall now just comment every day to make it look intentional! 😉

        • Gjeometry says:

          I know. I think sometimes it is fairly random as to whether you will get a notification from WordPress or not. I notice the same things happening on Blogger, too. But, for me, hey the more comments the better! Share the love :).

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank you very much, Anji! I came, I saw, I kicked the sewing dare challenge in the butt! LOL. Well, anyway, I made the skirt and am loving the twirl effect of it, so that’s good enough for me!

  13. Jeff says:

    It’s a great looking skirt and I love the fabric (I love all things Ikea), but I’m wondering… could you now get a Poang chair in the same fabric, and then when you sit on the chair people would say “hey, where did your bottom half go?”

    The other bonus from getting fabric at Ikea is the opportunity to stop for meatballs and princess cake. For me, ANY excuse to go to Ikea just to get meatballs and princess cake…

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks! You know, I think Ikea, on purpose, doesn’t have ready made items in the same fabrics as the fabrics they sell for PRECISELY that reason! Lol. Otherwise, you could have a chair and curtains and a rug and make a whole dress in it, then nobody would know that you were even in the room! 🙂

      And, yes, Ikea is always like a visit to the zoo — a fun and event-filled day. Difficult to be a vegetarian around those meatballs!

  14. Calico Stretch says:

    Twirly magic. And I’m gonna have to make a box pleat skirt up in a large print now too. Very cool and very pretty all at once.

    I wonder why we don’t twirl much when no doing pics for our blogs!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank you! And, good point, I think, personally, I’m going to make it a personal goal to twirl as much as possible. It really was fun and I had the camera on “continuous” so got dozens of shots all in sublime twirly action! And, this also means that I have to make up more skirts that can withstand and showcase the twirling.

      Can’t wait to see your skirt if you make one up!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks! Yes, I was almost stunned after I took the skirt out and saw what had happened. I just received that overlocker a few weeks prior so am fairly new at it. And, just didn’t get all the fabric that shouldn’t have been there, out of there. And, I was almost finished the skirt except for attaching the waistband. Oh well, live and learn. 🙂 Second time’s a charm.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks so much Leila. Lol. “Pleats so sharp, they could cut the air”, that’s the OCD in me coming out. They were difficult to get symmetrical and I definitely like things symmetrical, so very happy that you love them! Grins!

  15. Eleyna says:

    Eeeeee! How gorgeous! The fabric, and that pattern looks amazing on you! You have the perfect frame for an a-line skirt! (<– me, jealous!). Enjoy the twirling! 🙂

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