The Hunt For Red October Finds an Innocent BHL Polly Top and…David Bowie’s Pants!?

Red By Hand London Polly Top and CulottesThe Sewcialists on Twitter began chatting about life, love and the pursuit of happiness, as you do, when out of that, came an idea to sew colours.  October then became Sew Red October, and here is the uber-fabulous badge that Gillian made:RedOctober Badge


Free Pattern – By Hand London Polly Top

I also discovered that the lovely ladies from By Hand London created a pattern called the Polly Top.  It’s terrific, a great stash buster, and I will be sewing it again in other colours, for sure.  And, it’s FREE!  You can find the link to download it here.  They’ve also included a how-to video so it’s perfect for beginners or anybody wanting to follow along with visual aid.

The smallest size was a bit too large, so when printing it out in Adobe, instead of selecting ‘actual size’, I reduced it to 94%.  I did not want to lose the length, however, so measured how long the smallest size would be, and added that amount to the reduced pattern pieces.

Printing at 94% & Adding Length

Printing at 94% & Adding Length

The great thing about this top is that you can showcase a colour / pattern or fabric that you may never wear because you don’t like it on you personally, since the piece in front is small and doesn’t touch your neck/face.  You can use either contrasting or matching bias binding for the neck and armholes and I opted to make my own bias tape (my first time) out of the striped fabric.  I used a bias tape maker for this and it was very simple.

Making Your Own Bias Tape Using a Bias Tape Maker Tool

Making Your Own Bias Tape Using a Bias Tape Maker Tool

By Hand London Polly Top different anglesCulottes and Poly Top TwirlingVogue 8136I have always liked the practicality and the swishy factor of culottes, so wanted to make a pair.  I used a vintage pattern from the 1970s, Vogue 8136, which has a yoke, back zip and are high waisted, something I don’t normally wear, but I like the look with the yoke and wide leg.  I believe it is likely we will be seeing more culottes in fashion.  There are dozens of vintage patterns out there, or if you are interested in something more modern, Megan Neilson has recently developed the Tania Culottes.

Sewing Machine Needle Tip:  The fabric I used for the culottes was a tightly woven sueded polyester/microfibre and I kept getting many skipped stitches.  I was using a small size (75/11) Universal needle.  But, for this type of fabric you NEED to use a Sharp or Microtex.  The Universal needle has a slight ballpoint and it was not piercing and catching the fabric so the stitches were not taking.  As soon as I changed to a larger sized (90/14) Sharp, I had no more skipped stitches.  Culottes Gauchos Split Skirt I used the striped fabric from the Polly top to line the yoke and the pockets of the culottes.  So they do match the top, but since it’s all on the inside, only you and I will know it.  Shhhhh, don’t tell anyone. Lined Yoke and PocketsYoke and Pockets LiningThese culottes have quite the leg girth, so if you stand certain ways, It is difficult to tell if it is a skirt or trousers.  I plan on making them again but reducing the size of the leg pieces to emphasize the ‘culotte factor and make it more obvious.

Is It A Skirt??  Nope!! It Is Culottes.

Is It A Skirt?? Nope!! It Is Culottes.

–Do these trousers remind you of anyone?–

That's The One!!

That’s The One!! David Bowie in his infamous trousers designed by Yamamoto Kansai in 1973.

Today’s blogpost has been brought to you by:  The Colour Red!  While doing this Sewalong, I realized that I have absolutely nothing in my wardrobe that is red, except for one winter coat.  What about you?

Red, a primary colour that is the hottest of the warm colours, Rainbow over the Muldrow Glacieris the highest arc of the rainbow and is also the longest wavelength of light.  It is the colour of fire and is associated with heat and warmth. Coals-Heat-FireRed is the color of blood, and as such has strong symbolism as life and vitality. It is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is one of the first colours to be used by humans as art such as prehistoric cave drawings or body painting.

Cave Drawing Altamira, Spain

Cave Drawing Altamira, Spain

In an archaeological site in South Africa, Pinnacle Point, ochre coloured iron oxide tools were discovered dating back to 170,000 years ago.  Before synthetic dyes were created, the colour red was produced by drying and crushing tiny insects called Kermes Vermilio (hence, vermillion red).

Being the color of physical movement, the color red awakens our physical life force. It is the color of sexuality and lust while love is expressed with pink.  Red is a very emotionally intense color. Red is energizing.  It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action.Red Tag Sale

It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. Red is the colour most associated with courage and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power.

It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. The color red can stimulate the appetite, often being used in restaurants for this purpose. It also increases craving for food and other stimuli.Red Dining Room Country Living

It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stop lights, and fire equipment are usually red.  It is the universal colour for danger.  Danger SignsRed brings text and images to the foreground.

source: Damir Sagolj Reuters

source: Damir Sagolj Reuters

In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage.  It is a colour found in many national flags (77% of all flags include red) and is commonly associated with socialism and communism.

Being surrounded by too much of the colour red can cause us to become irritated, agitated and ultimately angry. Too little and we become cautious, manipulative and fearful.

In Eastern cultures such as China, red is the colour for good luck, prosperity and joy and is traditionally the colour for weddings.  In Indian culture it symbolizes purity and is often used in wedding gowns.  In South Africa, red is the color of mourning, representing death.  In Central Africa, Ndembu warriors rub themselves with red paint during celebrations.  red-roses-photoSince their culture sees the color as a symbol of life and health, sick people are also painted with it.  In Russia, the word for “red” means beautiful.  In the Middle East the colour carries symbolism of Danger and Evil.  According to Greek mythology, the red rose originated from the blood of the slain Adonis, Aphrodite’s lover.  Red became both the universal symbol of lovers, as well as nature’s cycle of life and death.



In the Catholic religion, cardinals wear read and its one of the most iconic colours of the clergy.

The colour red can provide:

Energy:  it boosts our physical energy levels, increases our heart rate and blood pressure and prompts the release of adrenalin.  Action:  it is fast moving and promotes a need for action and movement.  Desire:  it relates to physical desire in all its forms- sexual, appetite, cravings.  Passion:  it means a passionate belief in an issue or undertaking, including passionate love or passionate hate or anger.

root chakraRed is the color associated with the Root Chakra, which is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine and groin area.  This chakra deals with life at the level of practicality and allows us to be grounded and connected to universal energies. It is responsible for maintaining the body’s heat and has a relationship with the circulatory system.

Red-Green Colour Blindness Test.  Can you read this?

Red-Green Colour Blindness Test. Can you read this?

Many kinds of mammals, such as dogs and cattle, have dichromacy, which means they can see blues and yellows, but cannot distinguish red and green (both are seen as gray).  Some humans also have what is called red-green colour blindness.

Katherine Hepburn was a ginger

Katherine Hepburn was a Ginger

Red is the rarest hair colour and between 1% and 2%, or 70 to 140 million people around the world, have red hair.  It is caused by a recessive gene and both parents must pass it on.

Put some red in your life when you want:

  • increased enthusiasm and interest
  • more energy
  • action and confidence to go after your dreams
  • protection from fears and anxieties

Kitty has made no appearance in the photoshoot!!!!!  Fear not.  I have compiled collages of him as a baby kitten in a SuperKitty costume with a bright red cape!  Because that’s the kind of Kitty he is.Super Kitty

Kitty.  Super Sewing Hero.

Kitty. Super Sewing Hero.


94 thoughts on “The Hunt For Red October Finds an Innocent BHL Polly Top and…David Bowie’s Pants!?

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Lizzy!! You can make one too, they whip up nice and easily. I love the design of it with the contoured waist and rounded bottom. I’ll be making more, it will be fun to play with colour and pattern combinations with this one.

      • Gjeometry says:

        Thank You Eleyna! I really like the Polly top too. I like that it doesn’t have any darts that can run the risk of going ‘pointy’ on my body type. And, I’m loving my super-huge legged trousers! I wasn’t so sure when I was sewing them up, and I know they are certainly not everybody’s cup of tea, but after finally hemming and hand-sewing in the yoke lining, I think they came together well and suit my style!! And, ummm, ‘perfect figure’? I don’t have any idea what that is. But, I can assure you, I am not perfect in anything. At all. Except, of course, in loving Kitty. 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Melanie! Both pieces were pretty fun to sew and seem pretty practical and I do believe I will actually wear both of them. I was actually just at your blog looking to see if you had posted your Red October make yet, LOL.

  1. mrsmole says:

    If your collection of stories about the value of red in your life doesn’t convince anyone they need more…your outfit surely will. You look like you could take on the world and kick ass! So glad I saved all my culotte patterns from the 70’s!!! They are just so much fun to wear! Nothing like bias striped binding…a real eye catcher!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Ha ha! Thanks so much Mrs. Mole. I feel pretty bad ass in my culottes. It’s funny because as I was sewing them, I thought that I was going to hate how wide the legs were, but once I hemmed them, I really liked the pouf! I have several more culottes patterns as well and am definitely going to make them. We should compare patterns and see if we have the same ones and sew them. This was actually the first time that I made my own bias binding, so it was pretty exciting! Pretty easy too, and so much nicer than store bought.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Do check it out! I find it really flattering with the rounded front cut-out in place of darts or princess seams. You could always make it a little bigger and wear a long sleeve top underneath if you like. Glad you liked the “red” information. 🙂 The geek in me loves a good research project.

  2. Ellen says:

    I must investigate obtaining this pattern- it is a great style and I like the way it showcases your awesome fabric choices

    BTW, I have just added a second red winter jacket to my wardrobe. I’ve always been drawn to red for either a top, jacket or an accent color.

    Your research into the significance of red is quite interesting. Red hair is very common in my family both in my generation and the next.

    My husband was red/green colorblind. He could “see” it if it was isolated, but if mixed in a pattern he could not. As he worked in natural resources & forestry, if trees were flagged for identification purposes using red paint or nylon ties, he would never see those markings and needed someone to point- out the trees in question.

    Oh, and the Boston Red Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals like red too!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Ellen! I think you’ll love the Polly Top, it is fun to sew and I think flattering. And, you are definitely in the minority then, being a redhead. That’s interesting about your husband. I learned (actually through the movie Little Miss Sunshine, who says popular culture cannot teach us a thing or two?) that there are certain jobs, like a pilot, that you are unable to have if you are red-green colour blind. And, yes, I should have included in the post, that many sports teams also use the colour red!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Chuleelan! It was my first time making bias binding and also my first time working with vertical stripes. I love how they “chevroned” at the sides due to the curve in the side-seam. And FREE! Enough said. This top would be awesome combining sheers and opaques, even in the same colour to give a more subtle variation. On the By the Hand London blog, they sewed one up in shiny woven with a lace front insert.

  3. symondezyn says:

    You are a sewing MACHINE!! I love red; it’s one of my favourite colours! 🙂 And Kitty was an adorable kitten (well aren’t they all though LOL). Not many have the personality to pull off superhero attire though – very nice! ^__^

    • Gjeometry says:

      I WISH I was a sewing machine! Then, I wouldn’t have to spend a bunch of money to buy my new Janome! 😉 That’s so cool that red is your favourite colours. I had NOTHING in my wardrobe that was red, nor do I tend to decorate with it. But, after doing this sewalong, I did sort of feel energized and outgoing while wearing it and can see including more red. Kitty DEFINITELY has the personality to pull off Superhero. You should have seen him. He supermanned (took off ‘flying’) to get from the couch to the dining table when he was knee high to a grasshopper and wasn’t even close. But, the way he spread out his little arms and just flew across the room so confidentally…..we all knew he was destined for something Super.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Helena! I am so excited that culottes are coming back! I have a few vintage patterns and this will definitely not be my last pair. There is something kind of bad-ass about them, because you have that swishy feeling that you are in a skirt, but that total confidence and practicality of trousers. And, that is good you can read the 6 and 45. You can be a pilot then! 🙂 (Or any other job that requires that you not be colour-blind).

  4. Chris Lucas says:

    Love the top and the red! Seeing your culottes takes me back about 20yrs as I made myself about 1/2 dozen pairs and wore them to death. I actually still have the pattern I used and can’t remember for the life of me what pattern it was but I know it’s still in my pattern stash in storage. Might have to hunt for another pattern or be patient enough to wait until I learn how to draft a pair for myself. Sooo love the pics of Kitty as a kitten and especiall in his cape. Wonder if he knew he was destined to become our Super Sewing Hero? I have a feeling he did 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Chris! I know, what a blast from the past, eh? I had culottes as well when I was little only I think my gramma called them gauchos. Check your pattern stash and see which ones you have. I’m trying to convince anybody with vintage culotte patterns to dig them out and make them! LOL. Although with your mad skills, I’m sure you can totally draft a pair. I do believe that Kitty knew he was destined for Super Sewing Hero Status. At least Superhero status, for sure, which then evolved to include the realm of sewing.

  5. Cari Homemaker says:

    Very nice outfit, but SuperKitty seriously steals the show. I couldn’t wait to show him to my 4 year-old and now he’s standing here meowing at my screen because he’s so excited to see a cat with a cape.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Cari! And, yes, I know. SuperKitty ALWAYS steals the show. Even though this time, he was gently napping during the photoshoot and I wasn’t actually cat photobombed IRL. But, then I had to go ahead and create a little collage for him. I have to expect it by now. That’s SO cute that your 4 year old is grooving on Kitty in his superhero costume! Pictures!!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Malora Ann! I’m digging the culottes as well. I think culottes are definitely one of those love them or hate them style of garments. Personally, I say, “What’s not to love?” 🙂

  6. Boomdeeadda says:

    Hi ya GJ, another fantastic project, so nicely finished. I’ve never made Bias tape either but always admired it when it matched. I must try and find one the those Bias Tape feeder thingy’s. I could see using it on all kinds of projects to finish them smartly.

    It’s so funny how a lot of fashion comes around again, 20 years later. I wonder if we’ll see those bat wing tops from the Flashdance era? Great idea to make a 2 piece outfit by just adding the top fabric to the yolk and pockets, that was fun.

    Silly question, do you print a pattern piece on letter size paper and then put it together? Or do you have a giant printer to print patterns?

    I only own a casual red felt fall coat. I’ve had it for years. I probably bought it on sale because I would usually not buy red. Unlike Super Kitty, I dress in quiet colours to fly under the radar…perhaps a cape should be on my shopping list..LOL. Fun Post GJ, have a great weekend!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Hi there, Thanks so much Boomdee! The bias tape was super easy to make, I had always feared it as it seemed like such an intricate, technical thing. Not at all. And, the bias tape maker, I picked up at Fabricland for less than $10. It adds so much to an outfit as much of the ready-made bias tape is limited in colour and is made out of stiff polyester, not good for many types of fabric.

      When you download and print out a pdf sewing pattern, it prints out on 8.5 X 11″ or A4 (depending on where you live) sized paper. It then has symbols such as triangles on each page as well as numbers and letters, i.e. 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 2C, etc. that you then match up and tape together. Depending on the size of the pattern, this can take several minutes or a few hours! There is also an option on most patterns to download it as a different sized file in order to have it printed out at a copy place on a large piece of paper, but I’ve not tried that way.

      Kitty definitely does not fly under the radar. He flies right in your face, no questions asked and takes no prisoners. 🙂

      • Boomdeeadda says:

        LOL, “take no prisoners” I love it. Thanks for all the detail on printing patterns off the web, I’ve always wondered about that. Sounds a little less daunting now 😀

  7. black label says:

    { LOVE } your Polly top & your culottes….Im yet to finish my #RedOctober make but fear not, i live on the edge!! I also loved reading the info you included about the colour red, so interesting. Red is one of my fav colours to wear & until this year I didnt have that much of it.

  8. Red Point Tailor says:

    Great combination! Lovely top and amazing skirt/pants …. Kitty is lovely! Well…. I do not have red at all as well… I am thinking of taking part in RedOctober (which I exted to November) to make something. Red is difficult colour…

  9. Gillian says:

    WHat an awesome Red October project! I’ve been waiting to see someone try out that free top pattern, and it looks great on you! Love the bias stripes on the binding. It’ll be great for layering under cosy cardigans this fall!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Gillian! I’m quite happy with this Polly Top pattern. It feels good on, doesn’t gape in weird places and because there are no waist or bust darts, it fits much better and smoother on my body type/shape. I’ve already worn it to a sewing get-together. Havn’t worn the big legged culottes yet. Will need warm fuzzy tights if I want to wear them out now.

  10. Josie says:

    As usual you have created a terrific outfit. Love the comparison to david bowie’s pants. The colours look so good on you, you should definitely wear more red. Kitty wants you to make him a bigger cape that he can wear now. After all he is superkitty.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks! Yes, when I put them on and did the requisite “yup, they’re culottes” pose, I saw myself and thought, hey these remind me of someone. The ‘pouf’ factor really looks like David Bowie’s jumpsuit. I think Kitty does need a new cape. One with a big SK embroidered on the back.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thank You Helen! The culottes are actually more swishy and flowy than they are cozy, I think due to the extreme girth of them. I’d like to make another pair with a narrower leg to be able to have them act more like trousers and less like a skirt.

  11. Sandra says:

    Last weekend I downloaded the Polly top, taped it together then traced off my size – I’m all read to go, I think I’ve got fabric in my stash that I was to use just have to dig it out. Love your choice of colour and fabric. I never owned anything red until recently, not sure why that is, maybe just never found the right RTW item before – yay for sewing 🙂 Super kitty is so cute ❤️

    • Gjeometry says:

      Woot Woot! It’s pretty fun and simple to sew, I think you’ll enjoy making it. I’m finding out more and more from comments here that very few folks have worn/do wear red. I was thinking the same thing, that the RTW outfits in red might be just too loud or something, to be appealing. Maybe we all need a bit more danger, energy and confidence infused in us with some more red! Super Kitty was SO tiny in these pics.

  12. seweverythingblog says:

    Whoever said redheads cannot wear red? That is now proven wrong with your red hair and your red October outfit!
    Um, I wore culottes (made just one pair) back in the day – way back. And, now they look gorgeous on you.
    Also, my wedding outfit was red :).

    • Gjeometry says:

      Ha! Thanks Samina! I’ve only been a ‘redhead’ for a few months now, but even when i was blonde (the rest of my life, actually), for some reason, I just never wore red. Yes, culottes are one of those love it or leave it kind of garments. I’m on a bit of a love-fest with them, so you will likely be seeing more. Feel free to skim past if you are not a fan, LOL.

      • seweverythingblog says:

        Actually, I love culottes. But you know what they say. ‘Do not wear a trend if you’ve worn it previously in your life. This, of course applies to me, not to you :).

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks so much! I had to work the ‘red’ theme so thought this pattern was a good design to infuse some but not too much of the colour. You should totally make one too! I would love to see what your creative genius comes up with! I saw your velvet Emery dress, it is SO awesome. Velvet?? Who woulda thunk it?

  13. Gabrielle says:

    Ooh, great outfit – and how awesome that it’s also Bowie-esque! I’ve downloaded the polly pattern but haven’t yet made it – still thinking about what fabrics and colours I’d like it in… – yours looks so beautifully made. Isn’t it interesting how sewing gets us to be so adventurous in how we dress? I’ve always loved colour but didn’t used to wear it so much – and I never used to wear prints – but now when I look at my me-made wardrobe it’s an absolute cacophony of colour and print, yay!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Gabrielle!! And, I know right?? Bowie-esque!!!! I was actually pretty thrilled when I did the ‘culottes stance’ and they totally reminded me of Bowie’s big crazy jumpsuit. And, YAY to cacophony of colour and print! Actually, if you read the comments on the blogpost, that’s what everybody has been saying. That before they sewed, their wardrobe lacked a certain ‘jooshe’. I guess being able to pick the fabric types, colours, patterns, trims, etc. allows us to fine tune things to our taste and make things more exciting.

  14. marie says:

    great outfit again. Love the top, fit & colours are perfect. Using the bias made with the same material really adds to the finished top. Now when you see a remnant that you really like but say that it isn’t big enough to use you can grab it cause it is perfect for this top.

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Mum! The bias made me so blissfully happy. I kept putting off making my own as I thought it would be difficult, but no! And, the difference between hand-made bias tape that matches or coordinates with your fabric compared with store bought is HUUUGE! And the top is perfect for showcasing a little piece of fabric that is either dangerously expensive or that you may only have a small bit left.

    • Gjeometry says:

      N’aw, thank you Roisin!! And, Cagney! Ya think? Cagney?? Oh, my heart swoons with joy. I now adopt a charismatic but likeable toughness and prep to take the bad guys down. 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks bro! And, I’m so excited that your pajamas are still going strong. Almost ONE year later! Wow, I can’t believe I’ve been sewing and blogging for almost a year. I wonder what will be sewn for this year’s Christmas gifts. Any requests?

    • Gjeometry says:

      Woooo! Capital letters no less, thank you Kazz! I smile from ear to ear as I find your sense of style and fashion sense too awesome! Thanks for dropping by and do come again!

  15. sewexhausted says:

    Love all the information you shared on red. Some of that I knew and some of it I didn’t. What a great read! :D… I love the Polly Top on you. The fabrics look stellar together. And the culottes! Looks like you could go “Dancing in the Street!” ~Laurie

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Laurie! Another geek enjoying my research project delving into red. Does me proud…sniff, sniff. And….Bowie reference!! 🙂 I’m actually still very sad that the Bowie sewalong is over. I really could have made dozens more items as that man wore some genius outfits!

      • sewexhausted says:

        So funny you say that- I was just thinking the other day I would be game to make a few more DB outfits… but Alas I guess I will have to wait! He did wear some genius outfits!

  16. margueritedesigns says:

    That’s really interesting! Thanks for letting me know – I would have loved to have participated in Red October, though my schedule isn’t allowing sewing at the moment! Love your top and all the fab information about ‘red’!

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks Marguerite! It was some much fun for me learning about ‘red’ so I’m more than happy to share it, and thought you might enjoy reading it, after I saw your ‘red’ blogpost. And, I know what you mean about sewalongs. There are so many (which is fantastic), but hard to pick and chose which ones to participate in since they all can’t fit in our schedules.

  17. Kat H says:

    Oh, I loved reading this post! So much interesting info. Plus a super cute top and culottes to look at! Fantastic breakfast reading. 😉

    Love the new top – gorgeous colours. I really love the colour red,it features quite a bit in my wardrobe.

    Those culottes are great! I never used to be a fan of culottes, but now I keep seeing cute pairs pop up in the blogosphere I’m starting to get more and more tempted to try making a pair myself…. They look rather practical, while still being fun and feminine. 🙂 Would love to know how much wear you get out of them?

    • Gjeometry says:

      Yay thanks Kat, fellow geek info/ trivia lover! So happy you enjoyed my little research project. Secretly, between you and I, my garments are often selected based on what kind of research I can dig up for the blog post about it :).

      I have always loved culottes and am excited to see them making a comeback. I rarely wear a dress or even a skirt so culottes are such a great compromise. I plan on making another pair, actually with a pattern I took from the Wellington Pattern Pyramid when I won it.

  18. nishi says:

    Ah ha! I’ve been meaning to find your blog for AGES and now I have! I’m so happy! I love your Polly top and, after being a bit uninspired by the original version, I really want to make it now that I’ve seen your beautiful bright version! And culottes! We had to wear them at school! I quite like them now (particularly for the swish factor!), so maybe I will have to hunt down a copy of that pattern! Did you use your new sewing machine? I hope it all worked out okay in the end! 🙂

    • Gjeometry says:

      Thanks so much Nishiink, I’m so glad you found the blog! I rather like the Polly top, good for stashbusting and I like the way it fits my bodice half. I did not use my new Janome, but rather a Kenmore Zip which I do like, that I purchased to use as a backup machine. Between you and I, I have not yet used the new Janome machine!! I’m afraid too! Isn’t that dumb? I hope to book in a lesson for how to use it next week.

      • nishi says:

        Ha ha! I think I’d be much too impatient to wait for lessons! I’ve never actually had a sewing lesson, but I bet it’d be great to do so! I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun once you get Janome-ing!

  19. *Wisher* says:

    not sure why i didn’t come across this post earlier.. I think for some reasons.. some blog which I’ve been following are not showing up on the wordpress reader.. Sigh!!!

    on the lighter note.. I LOVE RED too.. is a sign of good Luck in the chinese tradition.. and your sewing is sooooooo fantastic.. Loving the top.. 😀 thanks for the sewing tips.

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