It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant, I felt very, very small

Deer and Doe Plantain FrontThat was Neil Armstrong observing the Earth and finding it blue.  February was #BlueFebruary around the sewcialist world where we had to sew with the colour blue.Badge  Blue is the favourite colour of all people.  This is not surprising and likely why I found it so easy to complete this challenge.  I would be stunned if any of you do not have blue in your wardrobe or fabric stash.  But, there must be at least one, so go ahead, stun me!

I sewed the free Tee pattern, Deer and Doe Plantain.  And, for the FIRST time, the knit fabric I chose, did not cause me horror, (OH, THE HORROR) and distress.  Yippee!  Gillian will be so proud, sniff.

The navy/indigo is a cotton knit, thicker than a jersey and the spotty blue fabric is a 4-way stretch cotton jersey, the same fabric I used for one of my Diane Von Furstenberg dresses.   I also added sleeve bands, the same width as the neckband and a hem band, double the width, to make it look more like a tunic.Deer and Doe Plantain Tee trio

The one issue I did have was with the neckband.  I raised the front neckline 1.5″ (4cm) before cutting and, therefore, shortened the neckband accordingly.  I also interfaced just the neckband with stretch knit interfacing to try to keep it from stretching out too much.  But, when I attached it, I’m not sure why, but the neckband was way too loose.  I had to remove it and cut out a new neckband that was about 2″ (5cm) shorter, but same thing.  So, I removed and shortened it by 4″ (10cm)!  At this length, I really had to stretch the neckband to fit the neckline, but it was the only way I could get the neckband to lie flat.  Is there a special trick to knit neckbands that I am missing?  Please do share.

Garment Inside:  overlocked seams and ribbon stay tape added to shoulder seams.

Garment Inside: overlocked seams and ribbon stay tape added to shoulder seams.

And, this is the very first garment I’ve sewn completely by overlocking/serging!  I used the overlocker to stitch all the seams together as well as to attach the neckband and sleeve and hem bands and also added ribbon staytape to the shoulder seams.  I have to say, it did make things go together very quickly!  I made the smallest size with no alterations and added as much length to the sleeves as I had fabric.

Layering Contrasting Banded Plantain Tee.  Me Likey!

Layering Contrasting Banded Plantain Tee with Blue Sweater. Me Likey!

Today’s Blogpost is brought to you by: The Colour Blue.  Blue is the coolest colour (as in temperature, not as in happening, hip or groovy) and is the colour of the sky, ocean, sleep,

You might wonder why the Blue Tee stands out so dramatically against the orange wall.

Blue and Orange are Complementary Colours.

Blue and Orange are Complementary Colours.

Well, blue’s opposite or complementary colour on the colour wheel is orange, which will make the blue ‘pop’.  Blue gives a feeling of distance.  Artists use it to show perspective.  Blue is sharply refracted by the eyes.  This causes the lens to flatten and to push the blue image back.  We perceive that blue areas are receding and smaller.  It is cold, wet, and slow as compared to red’s warmth, fire, and intensity.  (To learn more about the colour red, go to this post.)

An executive for a paint company received complaints from workers in a blue office that the office was too cold. When the offices were painted a warm peach, the sweaters came off even though the temperature had not changed.” – Pantone

La Vie

La Vie

Picasso the-old-guitarist

The Old Guitarist

Pablo Picasso’s “Blue Period” refers to a series of paintings in which the color blue dominates and which he painted between 1901 and 1904. The Blue Period is a marvelous expression of poetic expression and personal melancholy and also contributes to the transition of Picasso’s style from classicism to abstract.

In the meaning of colors, blue relates to one-to-one communication.  Blue is conservative and predictable, a safe and non-threatening color, the most universally liked color of all and is often chosen by conservative people.  This is a color that seeks peace and tranquility above all else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation.  It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation and order.  It slows the metabolism and can suppress appetite.

Positive aspects: loyalty, trust and integrity, tactful, reliability and responsibility, conservatism and perseverance, caring and concern, idealistic and orderly, authority, devotion and contemplation, peaceful, calm.

Negative aspects: being rigid, deceitful and spiteful, depressed and sad, too passive, self-righteous, superstitious and emotionally unstable, too conservative and old-fashioned, predictable and weak, unforgiving, aloof and frigid. It can also indicate manipulation, unfaithfulness and untrustworthiness.

Swedish_flag_with_blue_sky_behind_ausschnitt Blue is the #1 favourite colour of all people.

53% of the flags in the world contain

Blue is the most commonly used color in corporate identity.

A dark blue suit is common professional business attire.

Blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity in heraldry.

Blue jeans are worn all over the

I want to die with my blue jeans on.”  Andy Warhol

Greeks believe that blue wards off the evil eye.

The color blue in many cultures is significant in religious beliefs, brings peace, or is believed to keep the bad spirits away. In Iran, blue is the color of mourning while in the West the something blue bridal tradition represents love.

Dark blue is the color of mourning in Korea.

The god Krishna has blue skin.

Blue is for a baby girl; pink for a baby boy in Belgium.

“Prince Charming” is called “The Blue Prince” in Italy and Spain.


chakras-blueBlue is the color associated with the Throat Chakra  also known as Visuddha. This chakra deals with communication of how we feel and what we think and rules knowledge, health and decisiveness.

In colour therapy and colour healing blue is used to aid physical ailments such as inflammation, raised blood pressure and infections. Blue is used to treat mental and emotional ailments such as aggression, anger and stress. Blue is also used for physical and mental complaints related to the throat such as speech impediments and throat infections.

Blue in Speech:

  • Out of the blue: unexpected
  • Into the blue: into the unknown; not knowing what you are walking into
  • True blue: to be loyal or faithful
  • Once in a blue moon: an event that occurs infrequently
  • Blue ribbon: first place; to describe something as being of the highest quality
  • Blue blood: an aristocrat, royal or noble in European languages
  • Blue law: laws about morality issues
  • Blue comedy: jokes about socially taboo subjects
  • Blue language refers to using profanity and blue films is used to describe pornography.
  • Blueprint: a detailed design of an object or idea
  • Blue plate special: a special priced meal at a restaurant
  • Bluestocking: a woman with strong scholarly interests
  • To blue pencil is to censor
  • Feeling blue or A Blue outlook: to feel sad or unhappy; offering little hope; dismal; bleak

The Blues (music):   The blues grew out of African spirituals and worksongs.  In the late 1800s, southern African-Americans passed the songs down orally, and they collided with American folk and country from the Appalachians. New hybrids appeared by each region, but all of the recorded blues from the early 1900s are distinguished by simple, rural acoustic guitars and pianos.  Most blues feature simple, usually three-chord, progressions and have simple structures that are open to endless improvisations, both lyrical and musical.

Blue Represents:

Communication:  Blue relates to one-to-one verbal communication and self-expression.

Peace and calm:  The color blue induces calm and peace within us, particularly the deeper shades.

Honesty:  Blue is the colour of truth.

Authority:  The darker the color blue, the more authority it has.

Religion:  Blue is the colour of devotion and religious study.

Wisdom:  Blue enhances the wisdom of the intellect.

Put some blue in your life when you want:

  • calm and relaxation to counteract chaos or agitation
  • to open the flow of communication
  • to broaden your perspective in learning new information
  • solitude and peace
The Blue Deer and Doe Plantain in Action:  With Sandra at Sew Be It Studios.

The Blue Deer and Doe Plantain in Action: With Sandra at Sew Be It Studio.

Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true” – E.Y. Harburgrainbow and blue sky

PS:  Tomorrow, Saturday March 8, 2014 is International Women’s Day and is also the last day to enter my Giveaway!  Go here to enter.Fabric Magazine Pattern Tote Winning Bundle


Wishing You Peace on Earth, Power, Heat and a Warm Toilet Seat

Kitty Visits Santa 2013

Yes, because over here, an ice storm has caused a power outage and we are without power, heat and internet. My cellphone does not even work. It is day 2 of dropping temps indoors and Kitty is wearing his sweater (jumper) full-time in the house, which is down to a brisk 11 degrees Celsius (51 degrees Fahrenheit). And still shivering. Brrrrr. But, it’s still warmer than outdoors….so far. Tree limbs are down everywhere, streets are closed, it’s pretty crazy! I am currently at the public library (yay for libraries!!) using their internet, power and heat. Ahhh, heat. And, the best part? I have the flu!!! Seriously.

I had almost completed my Christmas dress, the Deer and Doe Belladone in silver and gold dupioni silk, before the power went out. All that is left, is to insert the invisible zip and add the hem facings. So close!! I hope power is restored soon. Word is that it may take over a week!

Well, it’s certainly a good time of year to reflect on your life, give thanks for all you have and to consider donating to those that may not have as much.

I want to wish everyone peace, love, a purring kitty and, most importantly… (and something you don’t actually realize you really miss until it’s gone)… a warm toilet seat. 🙂

Happy Holidays my friends.
